Bacardi Cup 2007
Preparation - part 1
Preparation - part 2
Saturday sailing photos
Day 1 (Sunday)
Day 2 (Monday)
Day 3 (Tuesday)
Day 4 (Wednesday)
Day 5 (Thursday)

Bacardi Cup web site
Good photo by Fried Elliott
Star class report of event
ISCYRA web site

Preparation - part 1

Before we can race we have to buy some food, enter, apply the bow numbers, buy some new(ish) sails, polish the boat ...

We bought some of Iain Percy's sails. He used them for the pre-olympics in China. They had a gold star on them because he has won the world championships. We lesser mortals have to use a red star. We also had to change the sail numbers.
The team coach - David Howlett - a.k.a "Sid" after the singer - helping me change the sail numbers and the red star. We also had to remove the sponsors logos - see the photo gallery of Saturday's sailing for what the sails looked like before. David also helped us do some tuning up from his rib on the Saturday.
A crucial part of our diet.
And more healthy food.